Sustainable & Climate-friendly

Welcome to the home of Indalc - a world scale biofuels business based in India. We produce up to 100 kilo litres of bioethanol per day.

Sustainability is key


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Sustainability is key

Indalc is dedicated to sustainability and renewable energy. Our products help create a climate-friendly future by reducing reliance on fossil fuels and ensuring fossil carbons remain in the ground. Together, we can build a cleaner, greener world.

Sustainable Products

From local raw materials we produce renewable ethanol for fuel and other applications as well as the protein animal feed DDGS. In addition, clean and liquified biogenic CO2 produced  is forwarded to a liquefaction plant and is processed for the food, beverage and healthcare industry.


Featured Products


More climate-friendly mobility

Contribute to climate protection here and now - with sustainably produced ethanol as a petrol substitute.

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Distiller's dried grains with solubles (DDGS)

Local and rich in protein

High-quality feed for livestock and pets.

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Featured Products
What we stand for

Sustainability at core

Sustainability is at the core of Indalc. Our renewable products, reduce CO2 emissions, supply local markets, and ensure that fossil carbons stay in the ground permanently.

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